Certified Angus Beef Brand Schmacon Lead Form

    CAB LogoThank you for taking the time to reach out with a valuable opportunity! The more information you can provide, the better chance we have for success and the more easily we can manage the call with your exceptional clients. Any special details are very much appreciated and confidential of course!

    Never hesitate to call me with any questions. We are committed to the success of Certified Angus Beef® and Schmacon™!

    Howard M. Bender – Director Beef Bacon Products & Middle East Sales c- 331-330-2203

    CAB Representative Information
    Your Name (Required)

    Your Title (Optional)

    Your Email (Required)

    Lead Information

    Account Name (Required)

    Account Address Line 1 (Optional)

    Account Address Line 2 (Optional)

    Account Address Line 3 (Optional)

    Phone Number (Optional)

    Email (Optional)

    Contact Person (Required)

    Buyer (Optional)

    Title (Optional)

    Number of Locations (Optional)

    Preferred Distributor (Optional)

    Product of Interest (Optional)

    Timeline for pulling trigger (Optional)

    Notes (Optional)